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  1. What does the symbol "C" mean in the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) database?

  2. What is the definition of gold in the Reserves Template (RT)?

  3. What are Net Errors and Omissions in Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?

  4. What determines if a country should be included in the “Export Earnings: Fuel” category in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) and the International Financial Statistics (IFS) datasets,

  5. Where can I find the definitions and concepts used in the FAS?

  6. Where can I find metadata information regarding a FAS reporting country?

  7. SDMX

  8. Why Government Finance Statistics Manual? (Video Tutorial)

  9. IFS publication in PDF file – where to find

  10. What is a repurchase agreement?

  11. Knowledge Base

  12. What is nominal effective exchange rate (NEER)?

  13. What is the definition of Unallocated Reserves in the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)?

  14. Bulk Download

  15. Are loans included in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) database?

  16. What is real effective exchange rate (REER)?

  17. FAS: What is mobile money? How is it different from mobile banking?

  18. Which countries comprise “Export Earnings: Fuel” and “Export Earnings: Non-Fuel” in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)?

  19. In the Government Finance Statistics (GFS), what comprises the general government sector (GG) and the central government sector (CG)?

  20. How are reserve assets valued in the International Financial Statistics (IFS)?

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