Concepts and Definitions
What is a repurchase agreement?
What is the discount rate?
What is the Central Bank policy rate?
What is the Lending Rate?
What is a "reporting country" in DOT
What is the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?
What is the Financial Access Survey (FAS)?
What are Other Depository Corporations (ODCs)?
In Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), what is the nonperforming loans to total gross loans ratio?
In Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), what is nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital?
In Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), what is regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets ratio?
What do the derived liabilities tables in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) show?
What are Net Errors and Omissions in Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?
What is the International Investment Position (IIP) in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?
What is the financial account in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?
What is the capital account in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?
What is the current account in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?
What is the balance of payments (BOP)?
What is the definition of Unallocated Reserves in the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)?
What is the meaning of negative entries in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?
How is portfolio investment defined in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?
What is the definition of gold in the Reserves Template (RT)?
Where can I find the definitions and concepts used in the FAS?