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  1. Does the IMF carries bilateral trade data by commodity?

  2. Why are official reserve assets data in the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (RT) dataset different from the one in the International Financial Statistics (IFS) dataset?

  3. Do you have Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data for individual countries?

  4. Can transactions be derived from the position data in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  5. What is the release schedule for Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data?

  6. What is the meaning of negative data in the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)?

  7. What does it mean when partner trade data in Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) are estimated?

  8. API response

  9. Why are there sometimes differences between International Investment Position (IIP) and Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) data?

  10. Why are Coordinated Portfolio Investment (CPIS) data collected from the asset side, and what does “derived liabilities” mean?

  11. Where do I find trade data for Taiwan, Province of China, in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) database?

  12. What is the earliest period available for the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (RT) database?

  13. Which exchange rate is used to convert Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data into U.S. dollars?

  14. Browser Compatibility

  15. Is gold part of foreign exchange reserves data in the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) dataset?

  16. List of available series and portals

  17. What is the discount rate?

  18. What is the Central Bank policy rate?

  19. Dataset Portal

  20. What are Other Depository Corporations (ODCs)?

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