Query: How to create Stacked column
Stacked column Instructions - The sample chart uses the International Financial Statistics dataset and displays data for France's trade volume from 2009 through 2013.
Users may follow the steps below to replicate the following chart.

Select Stacked column from View
Step 1: Select time:
- Click on the plus sign next to X Axis and select Time
- In the Time attribute, click on
- From the pop up dialogue box select 2009 to 2013. Click Apply and OK.
- For detailed instructions: Query: How to select time and frequencies for which I want data?
- Click on the plus sign next to Legend and select Country
- In the Country attribute, click on
- From the pop up dialogue box search for France, and then select the country. Click Apply and OK.
- For detailed instructions: Query: How to select the countries for which I want data?
- Click on the plus sign next to Legend and select Indicator
- In the Indicator attribute, click on
- From the pop up dialogue, do a right click, go to Hierarchy and select Default. Thereafter, do the following:
- Click on National Accounts, then
- Click on Expenditures, then
- Click on Nominal, then
- Click on External Sector, Nominal, then
- Select the following indicators: "Exports of Goods and Services, Seasonally adjusted, Euros" and "Imports of Goods and Services, Seasonally adjusted, Euros". Click Apply and OK.
- For detailed instructions: Query: How to find the indicator for which I want data?
- To quickly find an indicator, country or time period, use the provided search box.
- Place cursor over the 'play' icon to see the graph change over time or select each year separately to view it.
- The system allows dragging and dropping variables between attributes (or by clicking on the wheel icon ) in the Data View pane for different results.