FAQ: Transitioning to data.imf.org

What is this new IMF data site I am being directed to?
To support the IMF’s move to free data in January 2015, a new user-oriented dissemination platform (at http://data.imf.org/ ) was introduced. The new platform incorporates various dataset portals with dynamic data visualizations to showcase data.  Please note that the dataset portals include the former subscription-based datasets such as the International Financial Statistics (IFS), the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS), the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), and the Government Finance Statistics (GFS).

What datasets are available in this new IMF data site?

Please refer to the list of all available datasets.

I already have a registered account from the old eLibrary Data site—can I use the same login for the new site as well?

Yes, your credentials will continue to work as they did before. If you experience any difficulties, we recommend resetting your password.

I have some saved queries, downloads, and favorites on my account profile—are these carried over onto the new platform?

No, your preferences, favorites, and previously saved searches are not carried over onto the new platform. You will need to recreate them in the new platform, and then, save them for future use.

How do I search for data in this new site?

Search: How to use it
Tables: How to select countries for which I want data
Tables: How to select indicators for which I want data
Query/Get Data: How to use it

Other related articles:

How to save queries?
How to export my Query table into Excel?
 How to Bulk Download?

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